How Jeff Rose Uses Video To Educate Millions To Reach Financial Freedom

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Many people across a wide range of industries have discovered how to use video to teach others. Unlike a traditional classroom with an instructor teaching 30 or so students, video can reach hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people simultaneously. There’s no doubt that video is a powerful medium to communicate information that can change someone’s life.

Jeff Rose is a self-proclaimed wealth hacker who uses video to teach millions of people how to attain financial freedom. Not only does he know his stuff about reaching financial goals and achieving wealth, but he also knows a thing or two about video marketing.

Who Is Jeff Rose?

A successful Certified Financial Planner, Jeff Rose embraces life to the fullest. He knows what he’s about, and he knows what’s important to him.

checkout his blog

Born in Southern California and raised in Illinois, he left college to serve his country through the Army National Guard, which he joined in 1997 as an Infantryman. Jeff served nine years as a member of the military.

In 2005, he was one of the people called upon to take part in Operation Iraqi Freedom. As a Staff Sergeant, Jeff served as Squad Leader in Baghdad. He returned home in 2006.

 During his military career, Jeff attended school and earned his B.S. in Finance, with a minor in Accounting. He was already four years into his financial career when he was called to go to Iraq. When he returned home after his tour of duty, he resumed his job as a financial advisor. 

Jeff takes his role as advisor seriously. He genuinely wants to help others make smart investments and carefully navigate everything from taxes to estate planning.

A real go-getter who doesn’t let obstacles slow him down, Jeff has made it his mission to educate people about financial matters so they can achieve the wealth they need to live and retire comfortably.

Beyond his commitment to sharing his financial savvy to help others, Jeff is dedicated to his family. He loves Jesus and is devoted to his wife and their children as they enjoy happy family life in Tennessee. And he’s passionate about CrossFit.

A Financial Freedom Guru

 In addition to being a Certified Financial Planner who guides his clients on how to invest wisely, Jeff is an author, publisher, and speaker. 

He’s written the best-selling book Soldier Of Finance: Take Charge Of Your Money And Invest In Your Future, which teaches readers how to get into financial shape. Highlights of his book include:

  • How to become a financial warrior and tackle money challenges head-on
  • Disciplined ways to overcome financial obstacles and achieve lasting wealth
  • Committing to making changes for financial success
  • Getting rid of debt in a methodical manner
  • Cleaning up credit reports
  • Starting short-term and long-term investments
  • Saving for emergencies
  • Creating and sticking to budgets

In addition to sharing his keen insights and financial strategies through his book, this financial freedom guru reaches audiences through large media outlets. He and his financial strategies have been featured on:

  • Time
  • CNN Money
  • USA Today
  • Business Insider
  • Fox Business
  • The New York Times
  • S. News
  • Marketplace Money
  • CNBC
  • Forbes
  • ABC News

As a publisher, Jeff creates blogs and podcasts to instruct his readers and listeners on how to attain financial freedom. These avenues are important ways to reach more people and live his mission of giving others the tools they need to get out of debt and achieve financial fitness.

As a speaker, Jeff enlightens his audiences at Fincon and other venues, sharing ideas that even savvy finance experts may not have thought of. To him, personal finance is a responsibility everyone needs to embrace, and he makes it a point to share straightforward strategies that can help anyone go from being in debt to being debt-free and financially comfortable.

How Jeff Rose Uses Video To Reach His Followers

Jeff Rose uses everything at his disposal to reach as many people as possible and help them reach financial freedom.

 He’s written a best-selling book that provides step-by-step guidance. He’s created popular podcasts and blogs that benefit many. Jeff and his strategies have been featured on U.S. News, Business Insider, The New York Times, and other media outlets. In addition, he speaks at conferences to share his financial knowledge and motivate others to take healthy steps to improve their finances.

But he doesn’t stop there. Jeff Rose also uses videos to reach his followers, and this approach has proven to be widely successful since he’s garnered millions of views.

Through video, Jeff is able to reach hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of viewers and teach them practical, doable financial strategies in short, digestible bites. His YouTube channel, Hack Your Wealth With Jeff Rose, CFP, has a huge collection of popular videos that average 10 to 20 minutes in length, with some as short as two minutes and others over a half hour long.

Without a doubt, Jeff has discovered the power of video for reaching followers and continues to grow his YouTube audience on a regular basis by posting informative, fun financial videos in a consistent manner.

His topics cover everything under the sun that’s related to personal finances and financial freedom. These are just some of the topics his popular Wealth Hacker videos address:

  • How to make credit cards work for you
  • Passive income ideas for making $11,000 a day
  • What millionaires do during tough times
  • How to build a $100,000 growth stock portfolio
  • Low-risk investments with high returns
  • Side hustles that pay $150 per hour
  • How to manage money as a couple

This is just a small sampling of the wealth of information Jeff makes available through his YouTube videos. He makes sure to keep them informative, helpful, direct, and clear. Through his great delivery style, Jeff uses the power of video to teach his many subscribers and viewers the ins and outs of financial freedom.

In the process, he’s educating millions and helping them get out of debt while rethinking their financial mindset and coming up with better ways to invest, earn, save, spend, and strategize.

His videos are visually clean and a joy to watch. They move at a comfortable pace and share just enough information for viewers to easily absorb. Jeff has created a collection of easy-to-understand videos that are as engaging and fun as they are informative.

He shows others how to become wealth hackers like him, and how to have fun along the way to financial health.

How VidChops Helps Jeff Rose

jeff rose with Augie

We at VidChops have the  privilege of working with Jeff Rose by handling much of the technical side of putting together his engaging videos. It’s rewarding to work with someone so passionate about what he does and genuinely committed to helping others. He isn’t just a financial guru to us; he’s a great guy all the way around.

We help support Jeff with his YouTube channel, which is all about teaching people insanely actionable wealth-building hacks. We’re happy to say that Jeff is able to upload videos on a regular basis thanks in large part to us.

What do we do? VidChops is the absolute best video editing service for YouTubers. We make it easy for anyone to create winning videos viewers want to watch. Video creators who try to edit their own videos get burned out quickly. And hiring an in-house editor can be pretty expensive.

We exist to make it possible for YouTubers, small businesses, and digital marketers to get their messages out through quality videos in a consistent manner, without going broke or going crazy in the process.

VidChops offers a flat-rate video editing service that’s very accessible and incredibly valuable. These are some of the many benefits our clients enjoy:

  • Having more time to create great videos without having to waste hours on tedious editing
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise through well-made videos that are fun, engaging, and professionally edited
  • Scaling a brand, online business, small business, and marketing efforts thanks to the power of video

If Jeff Rose trusts us to edit his highly popular Wealth Hacker videos, you can trust us with your brand, too. We make sure to take good care of all our clients.

Ready To Have VidChops Help You?

 Working with us is easy. We’ve streamlined the process to make it painless for our customers. Here’s how it works: 
  • You record your video in the comfort of your home, studio, business, or anywhere
  • You upload the footage (your video files) to VidChops
  • We professionally edit your footage
  • You download your clean and beautiful video and add it to your YouTube channel

It really is that simple to work with us. We provide the editing expertise so you can focus on crafting your message, creating your video, and having fun with it. We take the technical tediousness of the process off your hands and happily handle it for you.

In addition to being proud of the service we provide, we’re elated about the features we’re able to offer. Your video editing will be handled by expert editors who know what they’re doing. We can add stock video and royalty-free audio to enhance your videos, and we can turn your video around in just two days.

Ready to get started? Reach out to us today!

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