How Roberto Blake Makes Over $20k a Month Profit

Ever Wonder How YouTubers Make Millions of Dollars?

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Welcome back, folks. 

I’m still living the rat’s life on an endless wheel towards YouTube stardom. And this week I’ve been a studious chap. I heard my master talking about how Roberto Blake is making over $20k a month in profits and that got me thinking…. I want in on that! 

Oh, what a rat could do with $20k…. 

If you’re not familiar with Roberto Blake then… erm… where have you been? For aspiring entrepreneurs like yours truly Blake is the man to watch. He posts educational videos that help entrepreneurs reach their full potential. 

And this guy is raking in upwards of $20,000 a month by being one of the biggest business gurus in town! Through a combination of AdSense revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and merchandise, Roberto is an inspiration. 

Excuse my fanboy moment… I’m a big admirer. 

Needless to say, a selfie with Roberto is on my bucket list for 2021. But I don’t want to come across like a crazy fan, you know? I’ll have to play it cool. Maybe a ‘hi Roberto, I really respect your work’…. Hmm…. needs some work. 

So, how does he do it? Follow my whiskers, I’m going to tell you just that. I’ve been on the interwebs and picked up some killer insights.

Roberto is a big believer in passive income. 2020 marked a big shift towards passive revenue streams for this creator. And that’s a super clever move. Passive income is basically money that flows into your bank account regularly without any active effort. 

Say whaaaaaat? 

I know right? Crazy times we live in. But hear me out. Roberto Blake has been shifting towards a more passive revenue stream since last year with the aim of earning a commission-based income of $10,000 per month by making software tutorial content. 

With big-name commissioners like TubeBuddy, Kajabi, and Teachable, Roberto is targeting B2B business owners and increasing his own affiliate revenue by introducing business tools to them. Every time a viewer clicks on an affiliate link and buys a product, Roberto gets some moolah! 

One thing’s certain, I’m FOR SURE going to be taking Roberto’s advice. Soon I’ll be living the rat’s life in my hammock, sipping a delicious bin-juice cocktail and rolling in the dough! 

Before I bid you all farewell, let’s go over some numbers. 

Roberto Blake’s revenue breakdown for 2020 was as follows: 

  • YouTube Monetization – $7,165.77
  • Merchandise Sales – $21.68
  • Affiliate Marketing – $6,980.00
  • Backpay from MCN – $595.03
  • Sponsorship/Brand Deals – $6800
  • Combined Total – $24,262.48

Bish bash bosh. That’s all folks! I’m off to make my fortune. 

Over and out. 

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