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Wow! You must be goddamn jealous that it took Val Kovalchuk just five months to reach a thousand subscribers (that was on June 30, 2021). Remarkably, the same June 30 was Val’s birthday…
…okay, there are other channels out there that have achieved 1k subscribers quicker, but five months is still very impressive, considering that the industry average has been estimated to be as much as 22 months.
After another month, the fashion astute Kovalchuk achieved the final YouTube monetization milestone – the much-needed 4,000 hours of view time within 12 months. So all in all, she had to struggle for six months to get all this set up for income.
By the way, in case you are a YouTube neophyte, there’s an alternative to getting 4K views within 12 months – achieving a million shorts views in 90 days.
Which do you think is easier?
By the end of her first full month after achieving monetization in August 2021, she managed to earn $143 and 74 cents. For September, October, November, and December, she earned $132, $125, $156, and $270, respectively.
Her YouTube “About” page indicates that she presently boasts 798,118 views from 106 videos. Now, that’s also impressive for a channel that took off just a couple of years ago…
…probably would take a rat and some other YouTubers’ ages to achieve such numbers!
Val has a philosophy of taking things slowly and her very first video “Welcome to my NEW Slow Fashion Wardrobe channel” managed to garner only 1.5k views, one of the lowest numbers of all her videos… but a pretty big deal for a YouTube rat wondering where the next view will come from.
But this would not take long to change, as her fifth video racked up 8.3k views.
By her tenth video, “SPRING CAPSULE WARDROBE | A minimal wardrobe lookbook and finding closet contentment,” she was in the double-digit range with 11k views. Things will even look brighter with 18k views in the video “SPRING CAPSULE WARDROBE | A minimal wardrobe lookbook and finding closet contentment.” Her viewership declined subsequently but soon bounced back a bit to 16K views after several videos.
Here are her most popular videos in a nutshell:
● I wore my “nice” clothes at home for a week, here’s what happened – 123K views.
● How much money I make as a small YouTuber (you can still grow a YouTube channel in 2023!) – 39K views.
● I wore my least worn clothes at home for a week, here’s what I learned – 26K views.
● 10 Mistakes I made when building my wardrobe | Capsule Wardrobe Mistakes 2021 – 18K views.
● How to choose the RIGHT Color Palette for your Wardrobe | A Beginner’s Guide Part 3 – 16K views.
● 10 Style Skills I wish I learned sooner (with real examples) – 14K examples.
If I have such luck as Val, then this rat cage will be cast into obsolescence for a grander condo unit in a high-brow luxury environment. How about that for rat dreaming?
Kovalchuk’s steady success got me curious, and I decided to study the strategies that are helping her build a profitable YouTube fashion channel over a relatively short time and hence, position herself as a potential future YouTube millionaire. Even my owner, a famous YouTuber as well, is impressed with Val’s efforts.
Below are some things to learn from Val Kovalchuk:
● Take it slow and steady and just see what you can accomplish in, say, a couple of years.
● Do not set very high expectations in the early stages.
● Watch a lot of motivational YouTube videos about how to grow and how to pick a niche.
● Work in a niche you are excited about or have passion for.
● Post videos regularly.
Val Kovalchuk: Income At-A-Glance:
● Estimated daily income: $8
● Estimated weekly income: $56
● Estimated monthly income: $242
● Estimated yearly income: $2899
So here the Val Kovalchuk success story ends for now. But for my biting hunger, I would probably have continued.
It’s time to find a sumptuous meal and then ponder how the hell a rat can find even half the success of the likes of Kovalchuk…